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To discover: Designer Box #23, Nippy, by Piergil Fourquié

By 20 août 2015No Comments

Perhaps you already heard about it: the Designer Box offer to acquire a unique object, exclusively created by a different designer each month, individually or by a monthly subscription.

Habitually, I’m not a huge fan of box subscriptions. The idea of receiving each month products that I don’t need, and beside that I’ve didn’t chosen is not really tempting.

But a few month ago, when the Designer Box creators contacted me, I’ve been seduced immediately by this new concept box!
First because not everyone can acquire a designer object and the Designer Box propose affordable prices. Secondly, because the box allows you to discover a different designer each month and limited editions of designers pieces of art. And finally, unlike the other boxes, you don’t need to subscribe, it’s possible to acquire a unique creation just for pleasure or by crush!


I had the chance to receive the designerbox #23 in my mailbox. A glass globe created and inspired by Piergil Fourquié. Blown in a wood mold (can you imagine!), to add a bit of singularity to each pieces. 

The object is packed in a beautiful wood box stamped with a number, along with a certificate of authenticity and a dedicated newspaper that tells the object story and an interview of its creator. Here the bow contained also a pack of origami paper made with Fifi Mandirac patterns.

Inspired by the legend that a cast of Marie Antoinette’s breast was used to create a champagne coupe, Piergil Fourquié offered a unique and delicate contemporary interpretation of the globe. Piergil Fourquié also created a stunning collection of elegant bubbles in 2009.


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The globe turns into a candle holder, a dome or a vase, it’s as you like and at the discretion of your mood and imagination. I’ll start looking for a nice plate to create a little protected garden.

A beautiful discovery thus, that really change from the classical boxes. It’s also a beautiful way to encourage the designers world and their creations that are too often accessible to a minority of people. Needless to say that I totally agree with this kind of concept!
And the other editions are here!


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