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Spring Wishlist

By 15 April 2015No Comments

For the past 2 days, we can say that spring is back! To enjoy it, here is a special spring selection.
It’s not too late for your plants propagation and seedlings! Personally, those small pots and greenhouses makes me want to work on my plants.
Plus, springs cleaning are always a good excuse to make room for some whims! Cactus, pastel colors and ice cream for a start… Do you have any particular needs? 


Terrarium Icosaèdre – Terrarium dodécaèdre / Palm sleeve  – Ice cream Sleeve / Cactu tunique – Cactus top / Green Succulent phone case – Pink Cactus Case  / Pastel drinking mason jar  – Porcelain bols / Cloud Pillow  – Ice-cream Pillow / Peach resin ring  – Mint resin ring / Small concrete pot  – Big concrete bowl 

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