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Pecan nuts and lime shortbreads biscuits with Tabasco’s chocolate

By 5 November 2012No Comments

Today I’ll bring you for a trip to Louisiana, with a uncommon recipe!

As part of the Louisiana contest organised by the MmmBox, I thought it was a good occasion for testing some new flavours by making something with typical ingrédients originated from this state.
I started by taking a look to the Cajun dishes, and after a while, I’ve found a recipe fom the Tabasco‘s website, suggesting to associate its famous sauce to chocolate! It was enough to convince me!
Sablés noix de pécan et chocolat

I have chosen to keep my shortcrust pastry recipe and adjust the proportions by replacing a part of the flour by Pecan nuts and by using lime juice instead of zests.
And it was successful! However, the chocolate topping turned into a drama!

I just reduced the quantity of Tabasco, and followed everything else like indicated, but it was really leaching. (See picture)
And after putting everything into the fridge, it was still catastrophic.
So, I restarted from scratch, and decided to use a mix of half heavy cream / half butter that I added to the other ingredients and it was perfect!

Sablés noix de pécan et chocolat au tabaco
Taste verdict: surprising but… not really amazing. The chocolate taste well with Tabasco and by the way, reducing the quantity of Tabasco was a good idea. But it’s still tasty and it goes well with a cup of cinnamon tea!
Sablés noix de pécan et chocolat

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