A few days ago, I found this little mid-century “phone seat” with it blue cushion that I removed to transform the furniture into a console. Of course, it’s not as classy as this one, but basically, the idea was to find a TV bench. Finally, I’ve changed my mind, and opted for a nice green corner that I’ve made next to a large window for plants that were in lack of light. My living room being still tiny, it’s never easy to jugle with the space and my jungle! So I dealt with this awesome Eclips lamp designed by Mauricio Klabin that I love for its particular design and light, and kindly offered by Made in Design.
And the dolls collection which hang for a long time. I can’t decide to let them or to hang this Moon poster.
Notice that if I wasn’t a tenant, I would’nt hesitate to paint the floor in white.

Among plants, there is an Alocasia (Amazonia) that I saved in extremis (It almost died burned by the sun). You’ll certainly recognize the Oxalis Triangularis and a Pilea Peperomioïde cutting that don’t stop growing. Hanged, a happy Cerepogia. And a little ficus leaf tree in its basket. Next to it a big Crassula Ovata that have been offered by my ex boss, with a Parrot device (that can be found on Made in Design as well, btw).

And among the new ones, there is this little Peperomia Caperata Rosso in its little cup that I love for those little red leafs. A cutting of Peperomia Obtusifolia and another little one of Kalanchoe Beharensis, that comes from my mom. And, of course, a collection of cactus!
I am still looking for my Graal : a Senecio rowleyanus and a Aporophyllum !
I hope you liked this small tour. And thanks again to Made in Design for the gift!